Play It Again Sports Hunting 23456
A Consummate Guide to Used Outdoor Gear Stores in the U.S.
Used gear is the all-time gear!
It'due south meliorate for the environment (also every bit for you lot wallet!)
I have a pretty long history with outdoor gear austerity and consignment stores. I used to work in one (see Alaska's The Hoarding Marmot beneath). I worked at the Marmot (every bit we all fondly called information technology) for two years while living in Alaska. It's the longest job I've ever kept and that should say something.
Bated from the fact that the Marmot became like family, it helped cultivate a deep love for pre-loved clothing and the thought of gear recycling. I loved the idea that everything had a story AND wasn't drawing precious resources to create new things nosotros already take plenty of. Pretty soon, I minimized my wardrobe and filled it with carefully selected pieces from the Marmot, all of which I love and cherish.
Taking the lessons I learned while working there when I moved into the van, I challenged myself to #NeverBuyNew. With a few exceptions (like underwear and shoes), I do not buy new apparel. I notice them used instead, whether it be in austerity stores, thrifting apps like Poshmark, used outdoor gear websites (similar Patagonia Worn Wear and REI Used Gear), and of course, outdoor specific austerity stores.
Unfortunately, they are non actually that many places relatively speaking at least) cashing in on this wonderful market niche. Those that do exist can sometimes nosotros difficult to track down. I often find myself asking of a location, where to purchase used outdoor gear? Google pretty much autofills second hand store nigh me outdoor gear the 2nd I type an "S".
I decided to finally tackle the trouble and create a resource not just for myself simply for others: the outset of its kind as I am incredibly thrilled to say. This listing contains all of the used outdoor gear austerity and consignment stores in the U.S. as of early 2020. In the navigation card below, click on the land you live in and information technology'll take you lot down the folio right to all the stores there. I was stoked to encounter all but two states had at least 1 used gear store.
While I'1000 pretty proud of how complete this list is, the inquiry for this was a animate being. I'm sure I missed a few hither and there. If you know of any used gear retailers that I missed, please let me know and I'll happily add them to the list.
Allow's all make the 2020s the decade we start reusing what nosotros have earlier buying things that don't need to exist! Where or not you want to go every bit extreme every bit me and #NeverBuyNew or simply want a rad retro Patagonia Snap-T from the 90s, this list can assistance you lot find amazing things that deserve to be given a second chance at life.
I quick note before the list: Y'all'll discover I define for each shop how these stores become their used gear. Nearly of the time, it comes from folks like you looking to trade their old stuff in for a piffling cash to buy something new (or old). In that location are ii main methods these stores pay clients for gear:
Outright: The shop buys an item straight from you, paying you lot with either cash, a check, or shop credit right and then and at that place.
Consignment: This means you lot don't get money up front end. You lot get money once the item sells, at which indicate you'll receive a pct of what information technology sells for (defined upwards front past your contract).
There are pros and cons to both. Outright payment has the reward that you don't need to wait for the particular to sell to receive compensation for information technology. However, yous generally receive a lower percentage of the expected sale price (around 30%) that if yous consign (where you receive upwards of l% of the sale toll).
Navigation for
Play It Once more Sports
Locations: Florence, Hoover
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such equally free weights, weight plates, and used practice machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
The Hoarding Marmot
Location: Anchorage
What They Sell: Used outdoor clothing and equipment that's in season; rare and vintage gear finds; new camping essentials like dehydrated meals and fuel canisters; new and used camping equipment; new and used mountaineering, ice climbing, and rock climbing gear; local made stickers; used bikes, bicycle shoes, bike components, and cycling habiliment; used kayaks; used ski equipment, 2nd hand snowboards and splitboards; so much more than!
How They Buy: Consignment (50/50 split to start with increasing consignor retentivity for higher priced items)
Legend Dana "Mad Dog" Drummond & his awesome outdoor gear assignment shop, The Hoarding Marmot (Image Credit Alaska Dispatch News)
Off-the-Chain Wheel Co-op
Location: Anchorage
What They Sell: Aside from selling used bikes and cycle components, they teach people who to repair and service bikes as well as promote a salubrious and condom bike community. Join every bit a member, and you go unlimited access to classes, a library of tools, advice grade professional person bike mechanics, and a workspace to tune up any bicycle.
How They Purchase: Donation just (every bit per their 501(c)(3) nonprofit status)
Second Wind Sports
Location: Juneau
What They Offering: Used outdoor wearable for all seasons; used outdoor gear for skiing, climbing, camping, running, hiking, and more; Larger ticket items such as used bikes and kayaks; New at retail skates (both hockey and effigy) and disc golf supplies
How They Buy: Consignment (50/50 carve up)
Play It Once again Sports
Locations: Anchorage x2, Fairbanks, Wasilla
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball game, baseball game, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Snow Mountain River (SMR)
Location: Flagstaff
What They Offer: Used outdoor equipment for camping, climbing, backpacking, biking, boating, skateboarding, skiing, disc golf, SUPs; used outdoor habiliment; rentals; services such as bike tuning, ski tuning, and skate sharpening
How They Buy: Consignment
Lower Gear Outdoors
Location: Tempe
What They Offer: New and used gear, including tents, backpacks, sleeping numberless, cooking gear, GPS navigators and Sabbatum phones, and other camping gear (run across their current stock hither); rentals
How They Buy: Unknown
Play Information technology Once again Sports
Locations: Goodyear, Phoenix, Tempe, Tucson x3
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as complimentary weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Play It Once more Sports
Locations: Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Jonesboro
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for squad sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fettle equipment such as costless weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and water ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Snow Mountain
Location: Auburn
What They Offer: HUGE choice of new and used outdoor gear for pretty much any outdoor take a chance yous can imagine; rentals; ski and wheel tuneups
How They Buy: Consignment and merchandise-in
This used gear shop sells tons of footwear for every outdoor occasion (Epitome Credit Mammoth Gear)
Mammoth Gear Exchange
Location: Bishop
What They Offer: New and used outdoor clothes; used climbing gear similar shoes, crash pads, hardware, harnesses, chalk buckets, and more; other used outdoor gear for mountaineering, water ice climbing, camping ground, and skiing
How They Buy: Consignment (25% fee cash fee or 20% souvenir card fee); The best consignor retentivity rates in the industry!
Fun Fact: Bishop, CA is one of our all time favorite climbing and vanlife destinations! Check out our guide to information technology.
Alpenglow Gear Co.
Location: Oakhurst
What They Offering: Used outdoor gear "from stone climbing to camping and bicycles"
How They Buy: Consignment
Final Minute Gear
"Buy new, borrow free, or hire 24/7/365."
Location: San Francisco
What They Sell: New and used gear rentals; Free rental "borrowing" of camping equipment if returned in the same condition
This used outdoor clothes store too tells tons of used ski equipment (Paradigm Credit Tahoe Used Ski & Snowboard)
Tahoe Used Ski and Snowboard
Location: Southward Lake Tahoe
What They Sell: Used ski and snowboard gear, like boots, bindings, boards, helmets, rubber gear, and other accessories
How They Buy: Outright
The Back Country
Location: Truckee
What They Sell: New and used ski and snowboard gear such as 2nd manus snowboards; ONLY accept make clean and functional gear and habiliment for skiing, snowboarding, and backcountry touring; rentals
How They Buy: Consignment (60/twoscore split)
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Chico, Concur, Dublin, Fair Oaks, Fullerton, Huntington Beach, La Mesa, Los Alamitos, Modesto, Oceanside, Pasadena, San Diego x2, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, Santa Rosa, Sherman Oaks, Simi Valley, Soquel, Stockton, Torrance, Ventura
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball game, baseball game, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such equally free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Replay Sports
Location: Aspen
What They Sell: New and used skis, snowboards, SUPs, bikes, camping gear, and sports gear (for hockey, lacrosse, golf, etc.)
How They Purchase: Consignment
Transition Sports
Location: Avon
What They Sell: Used car racks, camping gear, clothes, used snow ski gear, snowboards, and more (Check their online gear page for current inventory)
How They Purchase: Consignment (60-70% consignor retentivity in store credit)
Boulder Sports Recycler Inc.
Location: Boulder
What They Sell: With over xx,000 consignors, they have a MASSIVE selection of outdoor gear and habiliment for any activeness imaginable
How They Purchase: Assignment (63% consignor retention)
Acme Austerity & Treasure
Locations: Breckenridge, Dillon
What They Sell: A standard non-profit austerity store with used coincidental dress, home goods, and furniture. However, due to their mountainous location, they receive A LOT of outdoor specific brands (like Patagonia)
How They Buy: Donation
Ragged Mount Sports
Location: Carbondale
What They Sell: Used outdoor vesture and gear that includes "everything from skis to kayaks"; used ski clothes
How They Purchase: Consignment (50/l split to outset with increasing consignor retentiveness for higher priced items)
This Colorado Springs used climbing gear store has clothing of every color, too (Prototype Credit Gearonimo Sports)
Gearonimo Sports
"Nosotros have everything to fulfill your adventure cravings. Stop past and make new friends! We have BEER!"
Location: Colorado Springs
What They Sell: Gently used gear for kayaking, climbing, biking, skiing, and general outdoor adventuring; attached to a bouldering gym!;
How They Purchase: Unknown
Mount Equipment Recyclers
Location: Colorado Springs
What They Sell: Used ski equipment, used backpacking gear, equally well equally camping, hiking, biking, climbing, and fishing; ski and snowboard services
How They Buy: Consignment (50/50 carve up to start with increasing consignor retention for college priced items)
Fun Fact: This shop is a non-profit. All proceeds are donated to local non-profit and environmental organizations, like the "Colorado Springs buy local" movement.
Loving the colors of this outdoor habiliment austerity shop! (Image Credit Mount Equipment Recyclers)
High Desert Life Outdoors & Exchange
Location: Cortez
What They Sell: Used outdoor technical dress, snow shoes, ice skates, sleds, camping gear, and not-safety climbing and bouldering gear
How They Purchase: Assignment
Discover everything from new water bottles to used climbing gear in Denver (Paradigm Credit FERAL)
Locations: Denver, Idaho Springs
What They Sell: New and used outdoor apparel and gear from climbing shoes to snow shoes
How They Buy: Outright
Outdoors Geek
Location: Denver
What They Sell: Camping and backpacking rentals; used camping and backpacking gear (chairs, cookware, stoves, GPS locators, etc) from the rental fleet available to purchase
How They Buy: Unknown
Your one end shop for more than just used outdoor clothing in Denver (Epitome Credit Sports Plus)
Sports Plus
Location: Denver
What They Sell: Used skis, snowboards, bikes, skates (ice and roller), then much more; ski and bike services; rentals
How They Buy: Consignment
Wilderness Exchange Unlimited
Location: Denver
What They Sell: Used outdoor dress and hard goods for camping ground, snow sports, and more; peculiarly a really impressive wall of used climbing hardware
How They Buy: Consignment for store credit
Dunn Deal Resale
Location: Durango
What They Sell: A fiddling flake of everything used, including used tools, antiques and vintage finds, electronics; used summertime outdoor gear for camping, ball sports, and fishing
How They Purchase: Outright for cash or shop credit
Durango Outdoor Exchange
Location: Durango
What They Sell: Used camping gear, bikes and components, clothing, river rafting gear, car racks, climbing gear, and more than; local Colorado made products
How They Buy: Consignment (50/50 split to start with increasing consignor retention for higher priced items)
The Gearage
Location: Fort Collins
What They Sell: New and used bikes and gear for camping, hiking, cycling, climbing, winter, and h2o sports; used snow and ski gear; bike services
How They Buy: Assignment (forty-lxxx% consignor retention rates)
Recycle Sports
Location: Frisco
What They Sell: New and used bikes, summer sports equipment, and winter sports equipment and clothes; bike rentals
How They Purchase: Consignment
The Gear Junction
Location: Grand Junction
What They Sell: New gear but a wide variety of used outdoor clothing, cycling supplies (actual bikes, wearable, and parts), ski gear, camping gear, and water sports gear
How They Buy: Consignment (55-85% consignor retention rates)
All Sports Replay
Location: Gunnison
What They Sell: Used full ski set-ups and components; used gear for camping, climbing, biking, and hockey
How They Purchase: Assignment
Angles Sports Exchange
Play more, pay less.
Location: Longmont
What They Sell: New and used ski gear, camping gear, water sports gear, climbing gear, and team sports gear; used bikes, skateboard, unicycles, dirt bikes, mountain boards, wingsuits, parachutes, and paragliders; ski rentals and ski services
How They Purchase: Consignment and trade
970 Sports Rewind
Location: Montrose
What They Sell: Used ski gear, skateboards, disc golf supplies, team sport gear, fitness equipment, golf clubs, kayaks, motocross gear, and more; ski tuning and mounting
How They Buy: Outright and trade
Location: Pagosa Springs
What They Sell: Used general outdoor gear and dress for hiking, backpacking, and camping
How They Purchase: Assignment
Colorado Sports Recycler
Location: Salida
What They Sell: "New and used sweet gear" for skiing, snowboarding, climbing, hiking, backpacking, kayaking, and more
How They Buy: Assignment (50-70% consignor memory rates)
The Outdoorsman's Attic
Location: Sheridan
What They Sell: Used outdoor sportsman equipment for hunting, shooting canoeing, line-fishing, and camping
How They Buy: Consignment
Outdoor gear consignment awaits at Winter Park Trading Co.
Winter Park Trading Co.
Location: Winter Park
What They Sell: Used ski gear, winter apparel, angling gear, and more
How They Buy: Consignment (fifty/fifty carve up to kickoff with increasing consignor retention for higher priced items)
Colorado GearLab
Location: Woodland Park
What They Sell: High quality gently used outdoor gear and dress across a wide variety of activities
How They Purchase: Consignment for cash or store credit
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Arvada, Aurora, Boulder, Castle Stone, Colorado Springs x2, Lakewood, Longmont
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fettle equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such every bit bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Purchase: Outright
Play Information technology Again Sports
Locations: Southington, Due west Hartford
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such equally bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Purchase: Outright
Play It Once again Sports
Location: Altamonte Springs, Bradenton, Brandon, Ft. Myers, Gainesville, Lakeland, Leesburg, Melbourne, Ocala, Palm Harbor, Sarasota, St. Petersburg, Stuart, Tallahassee, Tampa x2, Vero Beach, Wesley Chapel, Wintertime Springs
What They Sell: New and used sporting appurtenances for squad sports (basketball game, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such equally free weights, weight plates, and used practise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and water ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Play It Once more Sports
Location: Atlanta, Austell, Buford, Cartersville, Decatur, Fayetteville, Kennesaw, Roswell, Snellville
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball game, baseball game, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such equally free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Outdoor Trader
Location: Flowery Branch, GA
What They Sell: Outdoor Trader GA is known mostly for new and used hunting and line-fishing hear; Some used hunting clothes
How They Buy: Unknown
A lovely colorful outdoor gear thrift shop for all your outdoor needs! (Prototype Credit McCall Sports Exchange)
McCall Sports Exchange
Location: McCall
What They Sell: New and used team sportswear, used outdoor equipment and bikes; gear rental (including Fatty BIKES!)
How They Purchase: Consignment (sixty/forty split)
Victor Outdoor Seconds
Location: Victor
What They Sell: Used outdoor gear and article of clothing; used in-season items similar skis in the winter and bikes in the summer
How They Buy: Assignment
Magic Valley Gear Exchange
Location: Twin Falls
What They Sell: New and used gear for climbing, hiking and boating; a special focus on climbing gear like carabiners, climbing shoes, harnesses, guide books, crash pads, chalk bags, belay devices, cams, and helmets.
How They Buy: Consignment or purchasing up front end
Fun Fact: They piece of work in conjunction with both the Admission Fund and Southern Idaho Climbers Coalition to brainwash and promote climbing stewardship.
Epitome credit Boise Gear Collective
Boise Gear Collective
Location: Boise
What They Sell: New and used outdoor dress, Gear for climbing, hiking, backpacking, whitewater rafting, skiing and snowboarding, biking, and more; Bike and ski maintenance services; Wheel and winters sport rentals and demos
How They Buy: Consignment (fifty-85% consignor retention depending on selling bracket)
Fun Fact: We recently discovered the owner of this store really advised and Dana while starting The Hoarding Marmot. What a small world!
Outdoor Exchange
"Gear up and get out for less."
Location: Boise
What They Sell: Used men's, women's, and children's outdoor clothing; used bikes and components
How They Purchase: Consignment either in-store or online (50-lxx% consignor retention)
Score Outdoors
Location: Boise
What They Sell: Used outdoor clothing and gear for skiing, snowboarding, biking, and more (View their currently inventory); ski and bike tuning services
How They Buy: Consignment (l% consignor retentivity for 60% if you lot bring the gear in clean, actress 10% for store credit)
Athletic Cranium
Location: Boise
What They Sell: Used loftier finish athleticwear past brands similar Lululemon, Nike, and Adidas
How They Buy: Consignment
White Pine Outfitters
Location: Moscow
What They Sell: New and used line-fishing gear; used outdoor gear like used ski boots and camping gear; guided line-fishing trips
How They Buy: Assignment (fifty/50 split)
Play It Again Sports
Location: Boise, Idaho Falls, Nampa
What They Sell: New and used sporting appurtenances for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fettle equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used do machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and water ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Play It Once more Sports
Locations: Crystal Lake, Decatur, Evanston, Naperville, Northbrook, Oak Lawn, O'Fallon, Oswego, Palatine, Schaumberg, St. Charles, Villa Park, Westmont, Wrigleyville
What They Sell: New and used sporting appurtenances for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such every bit free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Carmel, Elkhart, Evansville, Fishers, Indianapolis
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Play Information technology Again Sports
Locations: Cedar Rapids, Clive, Iowa Urban center
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such every bit complimentary weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Overland Park, Wichita
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for squad sports (basketball game, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Purchase: Outright
Boone Gap Outfitters
"Our goal is to protect, promote, and expand Berea Ky'due south outdoor recreation areas."
Location: Berea
What They Sell: used outdoor gear and apparel of all kinds; bike rental and repair, guided local hikes
How They Buy: Consignment
Play Information technology Over again Sports
Locations: Florence, Louisville x2
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Purchase: Outright
SugarWolf Outdoor Exchange
Location: Lafayette
What They Sell: Used technical outdoor apparel, footwear, and accessories; Used guide books, vehicle racks, and gear for hiking, camping, backpacking, paddling, fishing, skiing, snowboarding, climbing, disc golf game, and biking
How They Purchase: Consignment (40-60% consignor retention rates greenbacks, 50-lxx% consignor retentiveness rates store credit)
Sportsman's Paradise Assignment
Location: West Monroe
What They Sell: New and used sportsman equipment for hunting, fishing, shooting, and camping; used hunting apparel
How They Buy: Consignment
Play It Over again Sports
Location: Shreveport
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such equally free weights, weight plates, and used practice machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such equally bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Purchase: Outright
So much used outdoor clothing for sale! (Image Credit Woods + H2o Gear Commutation)
Forest + Waters Gear Exchange
Location: Brunswick
What They Sell: Used technical habiliment and footwear, tents, backpacks, snowshoes, skis, skateboards, vehicle roof racks, PFDs, and more than (see what they currently accept); NO ball sports equipment; meeting and event space for outdoor enthusiasts; travel suggestions
How They Buy: Consignment (65% consignor retentivity for shop credit, 55% for greenbacks for cheque)
"The gear you need is already out there. We'll help you lot find it."
Location: Freeport
What They Sell: Used outdoor habiliment and gear for climbing, biking, camping, and all these items on this list; gear rentals
How They Buy: Consignment (65% consignor retention for store credit, 55% for greenbacks for check)
Image Credit Portland Gear Hub
Portland Gear Hub
Location: Portland
What They Sell: Used camping equipment, clothes, climbing gear, bikes, bike components, skis, and more; bike servicing and repair
How They Purchase: Consignment (lxx% consignor retentivity for store credit, 60% for cash for check)
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Auburn, Biddeford, Portland
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for squad sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such every bit bikes, skis, and water ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Play Information technology Again Sports
Locations: Baltimore, Ellicott City, Frederick, Westminster
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as gratis weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and water ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Deaham, Leominster, North Reading, Stoneham, Waltham
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball game, hockey, etc.); used fettle equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Purchase: Outright
Switchback Gear Exchange
Location: Grand Rapids
What They Sell: Used camping ground gear, hiking gear, apparel, and bikes; rental services, outdoor school (skills clinics and technical classes)
How They Buy: Outright- Y'all get a check for certain types of loftier-demand gear and shop credit for lesser in-demand gear
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Ann Arbor, Canton, Chesterfield, Clawson, Flint, Grand Rapids x2, Novi, Roseville, Southgate, Traverse Metropolis
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and water ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Great Lakes Gear Exchange
"Dust off your old gear. Requite it new life."
Location: Duluth
What They Sell: Used bikes (route, mountain and fat), ski gear, watercraft and water sport equipment, outdoor apparel, used camping gear, used climbing gear, and more
How They Buy: Consignment (lx-lxxx% consignor retentivity based on sale price)
Repair Lair
"Spend less on gear, more than on beer." HERE HERE!
Location: Minneapolis
What They Sell: Used outdoor apparel and gear for camping, climbing, cycling, backpacking, and more; gear repair services because "the greenest gear is the gear y'all've got. By choosing to repair yous conserve materials, energy, and the environment"
How They Purchase: Consignment (40% check payout, 50% shop credit)
What a outdoor gear austerity shop! (Image Credit Thrifty Outfitters)
Thrifty Outfitters
Location: Minneapolis
What They Sell: HUGE selection of well organized by make and size used outdoor apparel, both technical and casual
How They Buy: Unknown
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Blaine, Buffalo, Burnsville, Chaska, Duluth, Eagan, Elk River, Mankato, Minnetonka, Roseville, St. Cloud, St. Paul x2, Woodbury
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used practice machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Play It Once more Sports
Location: Hattiesburg
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball game, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such every bit free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such equally bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Purchase: Outright
Former Mountain Gear Substitution
Location: St. Louis
What They Sell: Used outdoor gear and apparel for camping, biking, and climbing
How They Buy: Unknown
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Arnold, Columbia, Kirkwood, Springfield, St. Peters
What They Sell: New and used sporting appurtenances for team sports (basketball game, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as gratuitous weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such equally bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Second Current of air Sports Inc.
Location: Bozeman
What They Sell: Used sporting equipment like soccer cleats and hockey sticks; used outdoor gear like sleeping numberless and backpacks
How They Buy: Consignment (65/35 split)
Replay Sports
Location: Kalispell
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods and some outdoor adventure gear; used water sport equipment (tubes, tow ropes, life jackets, etc)
How They Buy: Outright
This used outdoor gear store offers a cozy and exploratory feel (Image Credit The Sports Commutation)
The Sports Exchange
Location: Missoula
What They Sell: Seasonal used outdoor gear store; Fall and wintertime stock includes demo ski gear, snow shoes, mountaineering and water ice climbing equipment, snow boots, and winter clothing; spring and summer stock includes bikes and components, camping ground gear, climbing gear, fishing supplies, skateboards, long, boards, paddles, h2o sports gear, and roller blades
How They Buy: Consignment
Recycled ActiveWear
Location: Missoula
What They Sell: Used sports equipment for team and individual sports; used athletic clothing and sports jerseys from top brands
How They Buy: Consignment and merchandise
Runner Up Sports
Location: Whitefish
What They Sell: Used sports gear for team sports; used fitness equipment
How They Buy: Unknown
Woods and Water Apparel and Consignment
Location: Whitefish
What They Sell: Used casual and outdoor clothes (brands like prAna, Patagonia, etc); local-made jewelry and crafts
How They Purchase: Assignment
Play Information technology Again Sports
Locations: Billings, Bozeman, Helena
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball game, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Grand Island, Lincoln, Omaha
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fettle equipment such equally free weights, weight plates, and used practice machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Basecamp Outdoor Gear
Location: Las Vegas
What They Sell: Mostly outdoor gear and camping rentals, including private pieces of gear or in packages; Select new gear such as backpacking meals, fuel canisters, sleeping pads, and more.
How They Buy: N/A
Desert Stone Sports
Location: Las Vegas
What They Sell: Bouldering pad rentals; Mostly new gear for rock climbing, backpacking, canyoneering, and other outdoor pursuits, simply they also take a smaller used gear section
How They Purchase: Consignment
Image Credit Gear Hut
Gear Hut
Location: Reno
What They Sell: Used gear for paddling, hiking, mount biking, climbing, mountaineering, camping, and backpacking; We sell "everything in outdoor recreation from chalk bags for climbing to boots for snowboarding
How They Buy: Consignment
Peaks & Pedals Gear Commutation
Location: Las Vegas
What They Sell: Outdoor gear and habiliment from reputable brands across all sorts of outdoor disciplines, including climbing, backpacking, camping, hiking, skiing, snowboarding, and water sports.
How They Buy: Consignment (40%-70% consignor retentivity rate) or donation
Fun Fact: For any items donated rather than consigned, a portion of the proceeds are donated to corking causes similar Get Outdoors Nevada, Nevada South Interscholastic Cycling League, and Southern Nevada Bicycle Coalition.
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Carson City, Las Vegas
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fettle equipment such as gratuitous weights, weight plates, and used practise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
second Wind Sporting Goods
Location: Keene
What They Sell: New and used sports equipment such as gear for lacrosse, hockey, baseball game, softball, field hockey golf, skateboarding, and skating; equipment cleaning and repair services
How They Buy: Unknown
International Mountain Equipment
Location: North Conway
What They Sell: Used gear and article of clothing for climbing, alpine touring & telemark skiing, and alpine expeditions; ski mounting and skin trimming services; gear rentals
How They Purchase: Assignment (read the terms and conditions)
Play It Again Sports
Location: Portsmouth
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball game, baseball game, hockey, etc.); used fettle equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used practise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Purchase: Outright
Play It Again Sports
Location: Deptford
What They Sell: New and used sporting appurtenances for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as gratis weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Purchase: Outright
Outdoor Regear
Location: Albuquerque
What They Sell: Used outdoor gear and wearing apparel; used camping gear; me'due north'due south and women's wearable consignment
How They Buy: Consignment
Re-Threads for Gear Heads
Location: Taos
What They Sell: Used gear for rock climbing, river running, fishing, hiking, skiing/snowboarding, and snowshoeing
How They Buy: Assignment (50-70% consignor retention)
Rerouted Coop
Location: Taos (well they started in Taos just are actually an online used gear service to give shops the tools to sell online to a wider audience. Re-Threads was their first partner.)
What They Sell: Anything and everything outdoor gear related!
How They Purchase: Peer-to-peer online marketplace similar eBay
Play Information technology Once again Sports
Locations: Albuquerque x2, Las Cruces
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such every bit bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
For an outdoor consignment store near the Gunks, hither you are! (Image Credit Old Goat Gear Exchange)
Former Caprine animal Gear Exchange
Location: Ithaca
What They Sell: Used backpacks, tents, tarps, trekking poles, in-flavor apparel, footwear (hiking boots, trail running shoes, climbing shoes), bear canisters, bikes, cross-country skis, kayaks/canoes, and camping gear; bike repairs
How They Purchase: Outright for percentage of estimated sale price (30% greenbacks, 40% store credit)
Play It Once again Sports
Locations: Latham, Massapequa, New Hartford, North Syracuse, Oceanside, Plattsburgh, Rochester
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for squad sports (basketball game, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such equally free weights, weight plates, and used practise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
A beautiful and make clean-looking gear austerity store (Prototype Credit Dig Local)
2nd Gear
Location: Asheville
What They Sell: New and about new used items and dealer rep samples; Mostly used soft goods like outdoor clothing, shoes, hammocks, etc; Some used hard gear like backpacks, tents, paddles, stoves, and more; Watch the video here.
How They Buy: Assignment for cash (50%) or store credit (60%)
Fun Fact: They as well donate ane% of sales to various nonprofit partners, totaling over $40,000 so far! Used gear and giving dorsum? How great is that?!
Base Camp Exist
Location: Banner Elk
What They Sell: Gently used clothing and tools for hiking, backpacking, camping ground, paddling, cycling, climbing, skiing, snowboarding, and even fly line-fishing
How They Buy: Assignment
Regear Outdoors
"Reduce. Reuse. REGEAR."
Location: Boone
What They Sell: local artwork and outdoor themed jewelry; used outdoor gear for camping ground, climbing, cycling, and more; used outdoor article of clothing, accessories, and footwear for adults and children (browse the full electric current inventory)
How They Buy: Consignment for cash or shop credit (50-seventy% consignor memory)
Next Venture Outdoors
Location: Brevard
What They Sell: New and used skateboards and longboards, make name outdoor clothing and shoes, backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, hammocks, hydration supplies, camp stoves, campsite cookware, watercraft and boats, maps and more; bike tune-ups and repairs (also as selling bodily bikes and components)
How They Buy: Store credit or cash outright; assignment on bikes and boats
Gear Goat XCHG
"ReUse + ReLive + ReLove"
Location: Charlotte
What They Sell: New and used outdoor dress and gear for cycling, camping, hiking, backpacking, running, ski & snowboarding, and climbing.
How They Buy: Assignment
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Asheville, Burlington, Cary, Charlotte, Durham, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Greenville, Holly Springs, Mooresville, Raleigh, Wilmington, Winston-Salem
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for squad sports (basketball, baseball game, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used practise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such every bit bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Fargo, Grand Forks
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball game, hockey, etc.); used fettle equipment such as gratuitous weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Canton, Centerville, Cincinnati x3, Columbus x2, Cuyahoga Falls, Hilliard, Lyndhurst, North Olmsted, Springdale, Toledo, Twinsburg, West Chester, Westerville
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for squad sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as complimentary weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such every bit bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Pay It Once again Sports
Locations: Norman, Shawnee, Tulsa
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such equally free weights, weight plates, and used practice machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Become 'Northward Gear
Locations: Ashland, Medford
What They Sell: New and used ski and bicycle gear; bike repair services
How They Buy: Outright, consignment, or trade
This used wheel shop is the budget cyclist'south dream come truthful (Prototype Credit Bend's Weekly Source)
The Gear Fix
Location: Curve
What They Sell: Used outdoor sporting equipment, mostly bikes just other gear (like skis, article of clothing, and army camp gear) as well; bike repair and tuning; gear repair services and lessons
How They Buy: Consignment (40/60 split to start with increasing consignor retention for higher priced items)
TruNorthwest Gear Exchange
"Puddles to powder. Nosotros've got y'all covered."
Location: Bend
What They Sell: New and used vesture and gear for skiing, snowboarding, hiking, camping, backpacking, climbing and more; gear pick-up; mail-in gear consignment service; gear repair services via partner Rugged Thread
How They Buy: Consignment (threescore% consignor retentiveness cash or 70% shop credit)
Elevation Sports Outdoor Shop
Location: Corvallis
What They Sell: New and used "all things outdoor since 1971"; used bikes, article of clothing, military camp gear, pet products, vehicle racks, and more; rentals and bike tuning services
How They Buy: Assignment (50/50 carve up to start with increasing consignor retention for higher priced items)
2nd Wind Sports
Location: Hood River
What They Sell: Used ski/snowboard gear, camping gear, and kiteboards (meet what'southward in stock here); gear rentals; gear/article of clothing repair services
How They Buy: Consignment (varying percentages viewable here)
Image credit Eugene Gear Traders
Eugene Gear Traders
"Together we will continue goods out of landfills and assistance slowdown consumerism that is damaging to our surround. "
Location: Eugene
What They Sell: Used apparel and hardgoods for summer (biking, hiking, camping, surfing, SUP, wake boarding, kayaking, climbing, skateboarding) and winter sports (skiing, snowboarding, snow shoeing, sledding) on a seasonal footing.
How They Buy: Assignment (varying percentages viewable hither)
Next Adventure
Locations: Portland, Sandy
What They Sell: New and used outdoor article of clothing, footwear, backpacks, skis, skateboards, disc golf, bikes, and camping gear
How They Buy: Trade for store credit
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Beaverton, Corvallis, Eugene
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for squad sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Recyclist Unlimited
Location: Doylestown (the closest choice for finding used climb and ski gear Philadelphia)
What They Sell: Used ski equipment and clothing, used camping gear, and other used gear for snowboarding, biking, camping, hiking, kayaking, surfing, and off-roading (see their current stock via Craigslist)
How They Buy: Unknown
Image credit 3 Rivers Outdoor Co.
3 Rivers Outdoor Co.
Location: Pittsburgh
What They Sell: New and used "gear for good" (including technical outdoor clothing, camping gear, bikes, climbing gear, knives, headlamps, survival gear, and much more)
How They Buy: Consignment (50/l split to first with increasing consignor retention for higher priced items; college % retained for store credit rather than cash)
Fun Fact: A portion of proceeds go to seasonal charities. The current Winter 19/20 partner is Yard.A.Due south.P. - Grouping Against Smog & Pollution.
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Berwyn, Greensburg, Lancaster
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fettle equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and water ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
2d Time Around Sports
Location: Cranston
What They Sell: Mostly new just virtually 30% used sporting equipment for sports like hockey, baseball, football, and more; skate sharpening services
How They Purchase: Assignment or merchandise
Play It Once more Sports
Locations: Columbia, Greenville, Mountain Pleasant, Rock Hill, Spartanburg
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fettle equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used practice machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and water ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Southward DAKOTA
Play Information technology Once more Sports
Locations: Rapid City, Sioux Falls
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such every bit free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and water ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Paradigm Credit The Gear Cupboard
The Gear Closet
Location: Chattanooga
What They Sell: Used gear for "a petty bit of everything" similar ski gear, bikes, jog strollers, watercraft, SUPs, coolers, tents, backpacks, and more
How They Buy: Consignment (50/50 or 60/xl splits) or donation
Fun Fact: Aside from reducing landfill waste product, every buy does adept because all profits fund clean h2o activities and camps for TenneSEA Kids iv Make clean Water.
Outdoor Gear Revival
Location: Knoxville
What They Sell: Used outdoor gear and apparel with a focus on hiking, climbing, paddling, cycling and camping
How They Buy: Assignment only
Orbital Outdoors
Location: Nashville
What They Sell: used outdoor article of clothing with a specific focus on rare retro and vintage finds from Patagonia, Pendleton, The North Confront, Woolrich, and other classic outdoor wear manufacturers (current stock listed online on gear page); hand-crafted Boulder Balm skin repair and muscle balm
How They Purchase: Outright or by trade
Play It Over again Sports
Locations: Brentwood, Clarksville, Hendersonville, Knoxville, Murfreesboro, Nashville
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Purchase: Outright
Play Information technology Again Sports
Locations: Austin x2, Cedar Park, McKinney, Plano, San Antonio
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball game, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such equally free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
The Gear Room
Location: Cottonwood Heights
What They Sell: New and gently used climbing gear and ski gear; used outdoor clothing; climbing shoe resoles
How They Buy: Consignment
Get prepare for some slipper sandstone with this Utah used climbing gear store (Image Credit Moab Gear Trader)
Moab Gear Trader
Location: Moab
What They Sell: Used clothing, footwear, and gear for climbing, hiking, backpacking, kayaking, rafting, road and mountain biking, skiing (backcountry and nordic), motocross, and camping; NO team sports or fitness equipment
How They Buy: Assignment
Fun Fact: Gear Trader Moab is a legendary identify among climbers to find gear second paw.
Switchback Sports
Location: Park Metropolis
What They Sell: New and used bikes ("Park Urban center'due south premier bike shop"); demo skis and snowboards; used camping and hiking gear and clothing; outdoor equipment rentals; cycle and ski service/repair
How They Buy: Consignment (50/50 divide to start with increasing consignor retentivity for higher priced items)
Gear Blitz
" We believe that no usable gear should be thrown out or neglected, it should be enjoyed past a new user. [...] Turn your outdoor wear and equipment into the cash needed to stockpile more gear. It's a never-ending wheel!"
Location: Salt Lake City
What They Sell: used gear to cyclists, skiers, mountaineers, and general gear junkies (shop the current stock via eBay); mountain biking skills clinics and camps
How They Purchase: Consignment
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Orem, Salt Lake Urban center x2
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for squad sports (basketball game, baseball game, hockey, etc.); used fettle equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Outdoor Gear Exchange
Location: Burlington
What They Sell: The brick-and-mortar version of the popular online gear store GearX; used outdoor gear and clothing of Whatsoever blazon for pretty much any activeness. Y'all can just buy used items in-store.
How They Purchase: Consignment (both by in-store driblet off and online mail service in)- read how it works hither.
Gear Traders
Location: Woodstock
What They Sell: Used in-season outdoor wear (including specific items similar moisture and dry suits) and difficult goods; used tents, backpacks, vehicle racks, trekking poles, etc.
How They Buy: Assignment
Play It Again Sports
Location: Burlington
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fettle equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
2d Ascent Outdoor Gear Consignment
Location: Arlington
What They Sell: gently used outdoor clothing (primarily); other used outdoor gear like stoves, backpacks, camping gear, and climbing gear
How They Buy: Consignment
Fun fact: They were voted Washingtonian Magazine's "All-time Consignment Shop" of 2018.
Paradigm Credit High Tor Gear Exchange
Loftier Tor Gear Exchange
Location: Charlottesville
What They Sell: Used outdoor gear for hiking, biking, camping, and paddling; gear rental
How They Purchase: Assignment (50/50 dissever) and donation (for items expected to sell <$10)
Good Wolf Gear
"We aspire to be the become-to resource for local adventurers who accept feel in the outdoors, or who are curious and want a condom place to become started."
Location: Herndon
What They Sell: New and used outdoor gear, apparel, and accessories with a focus on backpacking, camping, and hiking
How They Purchase: Assignment (25/75 dissever for cash or fifty/l split for store credit)
Roanoke Mount Adventures
Location: Roanoke
What They Sell: new and used mount bikes and road bikes; used outdoor clothing, camping ground gear, kayaks and other watercraft, car racks, line-fishing gear, and climbing gear; rentals, shuttles, and guided trips
How They Buy: Consignment (62/38 split)
Gear recycle and resale is the name of the game (Image Credit Roanoke Mountain Adventures)
Play It Over again Sports
Locations: Charlottesville, Chesapeake, Fredericksburg, Leesburg, Lynchburg, Newport News, Richmond, Roanoke, Virginia Embankment
What They Sell: New and used sporting appurtenances for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Buy: Outright
Backcountry Essentials
Location: Bellingham
What They Sell: New and used ski and snowboarding gear and winter clothing; ski tuning, waxing, and mounting services
How They Purchase: Outright (either in cash or shop credit for extra %)
Superior Seconds Gear Exchange
Location: Issaquah
What They Sell: used team sport equipment and rentals; used bikes, fitness equipment, skis, snowboard, article of clothing, and other outdoor gear; ski and bicycle tuning services
How They Purchase: Consignment
Disco Bay Outdoor Exchange
Location: Jefferson Canton
What They Sell: New and gently loved outdoor gear and habiliment for hiking, camping, climbing, biking, kayaking, winter sports, surfing, and running; some used recreational sports equipment
How They Buy: Assignment, donation, or outright purchase/merchandise
Olympia Gear Exchange
Location: Olympia
What They Sell: New article of clothing and accessories for urban living with an outdoor inspired twist; used in-season outdoor gear and clothing
How They Buy: Consignment
Ascent Outdoors
Location: Seattle
What They Sell: used outdoor apparel, footwear, backpacks, and accessories; used gear for snow sports, climbing, mountaineering, safety equipment, and outdoor electronics; backpacking gear trade; gamble sport rentals
How They Buy: Outright for shop credit though they are working toward moving to a assignment model so they can give greenbacks payouts
Fun Fact: Ascent Outdoors started way back in 1996 as a 2d-manus outdoor gear store that as well sold manufacturer overstock. Their goal is to all about "getting folks into the outdoors affordably and sustainably". They oft host special sales to benefit PNW wilderness recreation organizations. Secondhand clothing in Seattle is dime-a-dozen, but Ascension'due south focus on good gear 2nd mitt is ane of a kind… almost.
Second Gear Sports
Location: Seattle
What They Sell: Used team sporting equipment, outdoor recreation gear, and fitness equipment anywhere betwixt 30-70% off retail prices
How They Buy: Consignment
Turntables & Trails
Location: Seattle
What They Sell: As the proper name implies, vintage audio equipment (records, record players, and more) AND used camping and hiking gear… definitely one of the best austerity stores in Seattle
How They Buy: Outright in cash or store credit (request a quote here)
Wonderland Gear Exchange
Location: Seattle
What They Sell: Used ski gear less than viii years old; used outdoor wearable for adults and kids; new retail products like trail snacks, fuel, hunting and fishing licenses, accessory string, and map
How They Buy: Assignment (you retain forty-80% depending on last sale price)
RambleRaven Sports
Location: Spokane
What They Sell: Used outdoor risk gear of all kinds, including ski and snowboard equipment, bikes, mountaineering supplies, climbing gear, and habiliment
How They Buy: Assignment (fifty/fifty split to kickoff with increasing consignor retention for higher priced items); will pick upwardly items for actress fee
Playback Sports
Location: Tacoma
What They Sell: Used sporting goods & apparel for baseball, lacrosse, & other team sports; used cycling gear, wakeboards, camping gear, etc.
How They Buy: Assignment
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Lynnwood, Renton, Seattle, Spokane, Vancouver, Woodinville
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball game, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used practise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Purchase: Outright
Play It Over again Sports
Locations: Parkersburg, Wheeling
What They Sell: New and used sporting appurtenances for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fettle equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used practice machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such every bit bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Purchase: Outright
Play It Again Sports
Locations: Appleton, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Greenfield, Kenosha, La Crosse, Madison, Oshkosh, Superior, Wauwatosa
What They Sell: New and used sporting appurtenances for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fitness equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used exercise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such equally bikes, skis, and ice skates
How They Purchase: Outright
Outdoor Adventures Revived
Location: Cody
What They Sell: Gently used gear for camping ground, hiking, backpacking, running, hunting (no firearms merely bows), line-fishing, kayaking, winter sports, paddling, biking, climbing; Kayak rentals
How They Buy: Consignment (60/40 split up) or outright (35/65 split)
Wind River Rewind believes #UsedGearIsGoodGear
Wind River Rewind
Location: Lander
What They Sell: Gear for camping (tents, sleeping numberless, pad, etc), climbing, thru-hiking, cycling, h2o sports, and more; Backpacks, footwear, and outdoor clothes; Select new gear at lower than MSRP prices including crash pads, climbing ropes, and bolting hardware.
How They Purchase: Consignment (50/50 split to kickoff with increasing consignor retention for higher priced items); They also buy used climbing ropes outright for $0.25 per meter (or in exchange for $0.50 off per meter of a new rope) to be upcycled into these cool rope cozies.
Headwall Sports
Location: Jackson Pigsty
What They Sell: A HUGE selection of used outdoor clothing equipment for line-fishing, climbing, kayaking, camping, hiking, snowfall sports, and cycling
How They Buy: Consignment (fifty/50 split)
Fun facts: As of 11/2019, they've helped recycled 631,522 pieces of gear!
NU2U Sports
Location: Laramie
What They Sell: Used gear and clothing for camping, biking, wintertime sports, hunting, angling, mountaineering, climbing, h2o sports, yoga, fitness, and squad sports
How They Buy: Assignment (fifty/fifty split to start with increasing consignor retention for higher priced items)
Wyoming Outdoor Gear Exchange
Location: Riverton
What They Sell: Used gear and clothing for camping ground, biking, wintertime sports, hunting, angling, mountaineering, and climbing; And a whole room of pay-what-you-desire used books!!
How They Purchase: Buy outright or trade
Big Horn Trading LLC
Location: Sheridan
What They Sell: Used outdoor gear (primarily camping gear and survival kits); new and used firearms
How They Buy: Consignment
Play It Again Sports
Location: Casper
What They Sell: New and used sporting goods for team sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.); used fettle equipment such as free weights, weight plates, and used practise machines; used outdoor sporting equipment such as bikes, skis, and water ice skates
How They Purchase: Outright
Before You Drive Abroad…
For all those of you who have a passion for pre-loved, who have ever found yourself pondering, "Where to buy used backpacking gear…", and who prefer your ski gear 2nd manus and sustainable… we hope this list has helped!
We're pretty stoked on it, and not just because it's better for the planet. It'due south also better for the economy considering well-nigh of these are small businesses that need the support of the outdoor customs. REI Garage prices may be tempting, but they're still a large brand. #SupportSmall
**This post contains chapter links to support the continued creation of these van life guides. This just means that if you purchase something from one of the links above, I get a small commission from the sale at no cost to you. Read more than hither or reach out with more questions.
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