'Game Of Thrones': What The Cast Looked Like In Season 1 vs. Now

Game of Thrones has been a part of our lives since 2011. That's when the show's very first episode, "Winter is Coming" landed on HBO, introducing united states of america to the honorable Starks, incestuous Lannisters, and one bewitching young woman married off to a Dothraki Khal. Back then, merely a few of the actors on the show had anything budgeted mainstream stardom. Sean Bean, Peter Dinklage, and Lena Headey had all popped up in major films, but no one had heard of newcomers like Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke, since they were bandage straight out of drama school.

Today, in 2019, the Game of Thrones cast is world famous and more in demand than ever earlier. Emilia Clarke is a member of the Star Wars universe, the Stark sisters — Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams — are both X-Men, and Jason Momoa is Aquaman. Information technology's exciting, but also jarring to wait at the Game of Thrones Episode 1 cast as they appeared dorsum and then versus how they await now. In some cases, it's a matter of how much wigs and make upwards transform the performers on the show, but in others, it's wild to see how much the immature cast has grown up.

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Hither's our nostalgic await dorsum at the original cast of Game of Thrones as they appeared in 2011 compared to how they look — and where their careers are — now. Warning: Rickon Stark is grown.

Game of Thrones Flavour 8 premieres on HBO on April fourteen.

Where to stream Game of Thrones